If you could ever glance at the uterus this is something that you would never be prepared. The baby who is about to be born is covered in a thick coating of hair.
What are the main reasons on why the baby happens to be fuzzy?
Around 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy lanugo tends to develop. What is lanugo in pregnancy needs to be addressed in details. By week 23 the baby is fully covered with the hair. The lips or the sole of the feet could only be the bare places that are left. If you ask a lot of mothers what is lanugo hair? For most of them the answer would be monkey hair. Now the question is why the baby hair so flurry is.
During the course of pregnancy the baby tends to float in an amniotic sac. If you have watched your feet or legs soaked in water then you could pretty well understand on what would happen due to the constant soaking of liquid
The baby is born and still goes on to have lanugo hair?
If it is a premature baby or the baby is born a couple of weeks early then there is a strong chance that the baby is going to have lanugo hair. In certain cases babies who have gone on to complete their full terms may also have some money hair on them.
If you are born with lanugo it does not go on to pose any major danger for the baby. This same policy does apply to someone who comes in contact with the baby. In some cultures there has been some form of traditional methods adopted to shed off the lanugo hair, but it is suggested that there is nothing you need to do with this hair. As it is going to fall on its own after a certain point of time. The moment the baby goes on to touch around 3 to 4 months old; the lanugo is going to be replaced by the vellus hair. This is the tiny hair that is found in most parts of the body as well.
Some parents are naturally worried that if there is unwanted hair on their child’s body how they can cope up with it in later stages of life. In case of some others they would be distressed as this is not the way they would have ever imagined their babies to be. If you admit that you are not a big fan of lanugo is not going to make you a bad parent in any way.
If the lanugo in the baby is causing you some worry then there are some pointers to keep in mind. It is a healthy and natural phenomenon, in consortium with the fact that there is nothing wrong to the baby as well. If you grow and shed lanugo it is a normal process which all the babies are expected to achieve as well.
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