Dry dog food is a good choice
Dry dog food is a relatively new way of feeding your dog. For many years dogs were fed on tinned dog food and were given bones to chew on to clean their teeth and to obtain the marrow that is good for them. The problems with bones are that they are messy, dogs will take them out into the garden, sometimes bury them and ruin your flowerbed, and they then unearth them and drag the disgustingly dirty object indoors. The tinned food had a limited choice and was inconvenient in that if you only had a toy dog that ate in small portions, you had partly opened tins that you needed to store in your fridge, as once opened the food needed to be chilled. If the dog did not feel like eating once you had placed the food in the bowl, then it would either dry up or would attract flies, and before long you had to throw it away. It was clear that a choice to tinned food was needed and the producers came up with dry food.
Dry food
Dry food can be bought in bulk and is therefore cost effective. You can place as much or as little in the dog bowl, and it does not matter if the dog does not eat it all in one go, as it will not deteriorate or attract flies if it is left in the bowl. It will have a number of nutrients added to it and thus will be a good recipe for keeping the dog healthy. It will have as broad a range of flavours as tinned dog food, if not more, so even the fussiest of dogs will be able to enjoy the food.
It is also convenient in that if you are traveling to say a dog show, or you are going on holiday and taking the dog with you, at anytime you can stop the car and feed the dog. If the holiday is for a week or two then taking a large bag with you will ensure your friend will always be well fed.
When you are looking for dry dog Food for your dog you need not look any further than thenookpetlitter.co.uk, as we can supply a range of pet food for an array of pets at a competitive price.