Abricon was founded in 1987 and has over twenty years’ experience providing expert environmental consultancy services to a range of clients in the public and private sectors. We work with you to provide the most technically robust solutions that control costs, manage risks and deliver environmental compliance.
We offer a range of services across the environmental sector. These range from waste and geotechnical solutions to environmental compliance, carbon management and resource efficiency and ecological surveys to categorise the presence and activities of certain species. These take the form of a number of different surveys, most notably bat surveys.
There are sixteen different species of bats in the UK. Bats roost individually or in colonies, feeding at night and roosting in the day. Our bat studies have shown that they choose to roost in a number of different environments from bridges to caves. Bat surveys have also shown that suitable foraging habitats include parkland, hedgerows and suburban gardens.
Bat surveys are used to determine the presence of bats or a bat roost. The only person qualified to undertake bat surveys is a licensed ecologist. This is where we can help. Our survey methods include building inspections and walkover surveys. All areas of the building are searched for bats, bat droppings and food remains. Our bat surveys also provide walkover surveys of trees and woodland areas. This involves searching woodland areas for potential roost sites in areas such as mature trees and peeling bark.
Our thorough surveys also involve the use of special equipment designed for a surveyor to hear bat echolocations calls at a frequency that is audible for them. Additionally, we carry out emergence bat surveys at dusk and dawn where observers are placed in particular positions around a site to record any bat activity. Our last types of bat surveys are transect bat surveys. These are used in open areas where there are no buildings.
If you’d like to know more about the range of bat surveys that we can offer or relevant information on the protection and legislation and licensing and litigation requirements then come and visit us online at: www.abricon.com.
If in need of bat surveys or other ecology surveys you needn’t look any further than abricon.com, as we can provide the best environmental consultancy services at the most competitive of prices.