If you are a school looking for new school badges then you can find many companies via the internet that produce great quality badges at reasonable prices. Many schools keep a wide range of school badges that are used for many different purposes. A school badge is something that students should be proud to wear and is often given to a student as a reward for good work.
There are so many variations of the school badge that you can be spoilt for choice when choosing which ones to purchase for your school. You can get a wide range of shapes such as squares, circles, oval, rectangle, stars and shield shapes. You can also get a school badge in a great range of different colours, so if you want school badges to match school uniform colours then this shouldn’t be a problem. Many schools require ID school badges and these are mainly worn by guests and visitors.
A school badge is commonly worn by the schools head girl or head boy or by prefects. They are commonly given as a symbol of achievement and so other pupils know that this person has worked hard and deserves recognition. Star reward badges work very well with younger primary school children as stars are often associated with good behaviour and rewards. If one pupil gets a star school badge then others will also want to work hard and behave well so they have a chance of also getting a star school badge. They can be a great motivation tool for younger children as young children love praise and recognition.
A school badge in commonly made from enamel or metal and will be pinned onto clothing so it is not easily lost. There is a great range of holographic star badges in many colours including silver, gold and bronze. These really do stand out and look extra special. A school badge can usually be customised to say what you want and be made in the colour and material you want. The cost of school badges will vary depending on the size and the amount of badges you order at any one time.
School Badge
are provided by our company at the most affordable prices. Westfield4schools.co.uk provides School Badges along with other great products – visit our website to see what we offer!