Essential commercial advice: Looking for a non exec
When it comes to big business few roles come more important than a non exec. Non exec directors play a very prominent role in the activities of a company as they have a significant impact on how it conducts its day to day operations. If you are looking to appoint someone to this crucial post then you should make sure you secure the services of a high calibre individual. With that in mind here are some of the qualities you should be looking for in a non exec:
Industry experience is the single most important asset to a non exec. After all how can you expect someone to scrutinise your business if they do not have relevant knowledge of the industry you operate in? Ideally someone with extensive experience of the optimum procurement, production and marketing processes as well as other factors which apply to your sector should be found.
Non exec directors also have to make tough decisions on a regular basis. You need an individual with conviction and confidence who will act boldly and not waver in their commitment. On top of this logical and rational thinking are essential if the non exec is to do their job well.
Finding a non exec with all the above qualities can be tricky. As you can imagine, with the current economic climate the job market is saturated and sifting through hundreds of applicants is something which most firms cannot afford to do. It simply takes up too much time, which you would rather spend on your day to day duties. However if you are in need of a non exec do not panic because help is at hand. You can enlist the services of a specialist recruitment agent which can take account of your requirements and provide you with a shortlist of high quality non exec directors.
One firm which will offer you much needed assistance with non exec recruitment can be found at the appropriately named The company has an excellent range of non exec directors on its books and boasts a professional yet affordable service.
If you wish to acquire the services of the most professional, affordable non exec individuals then we have all you need at! Our fantastic non exec directors are so helpful!