With soccer being the very physical game that it is, injuries of various degrees of severity are inevitable. The game is, after all, characterised by incredibly fast, far-travelling balls, in addition to sudden stops and other movements by the players. There is plenty of opportunity for players to collide violently, as is sometimes all too apparent from the injuries that are sustained as a result.
There is therefore a natural need to be familiar with various elements of the football first aid kit, including various types of bandages – such as…
Conforming bandages
These bandages serve to keep dressings in place, and are as lightweight as they are very stretchy. They are made from nylon/viscose, sporting a fray resistant construction, and are individually wrapped so that users can have confidence that they are clean. They can also be specified in various sizes.
Crepe cotton bandages
This woven elasticated bandage provides such injuries as strains and sprains with suitably light support, and is also frequently resorted to for dressing retention. It may be available in natural unbleached cotton. Other names for crepe bandages include compression bandages or elastic wraps.
Triangular bandages
A triangular bandage is simply a square one cut in half, but it can be extremely useful on the football pitch for such purposes as wound care and supporting and elevating an injured limb. It can be specified either sterile or non-sterile, and is wrapped individually to ensure cleanliness. Calico (woven) and non-woven variations are available.
Other important first aid items
Those that are looking to invest in a soccer first aid kit are likely to appreciate the inclusion of an informative and easy to read guidance leaflet, as well as a pair of scissors and various dressings and wipes. Such accessories help to ensure that players can get on with the game in confidence, knowing that any injuries can be swiftly and appropriately cared for.
For more information please visit – www.Allsportmedical.co.uk/Product/ASM/Sports-First-Aid-Kits/Football-First-Aid-Kit.aspx