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Air Cargo Handling

Airport Bureau Systems is an established agency that works with twenty organisations from airlines, handling companies and agents with bonded premises that facilitates the designing, writing and implementation of the ABS2000 system air cargo handling system. This air cargo handling system allows Abs Limited to provide maintenance and support services to a number of different of businesses.

Abs provides an automated manifest system that mandates the use of AMS for consignments arriving in the US. This handling system is a multi-modular cargo inventory control and release notification system. It directly interfaces with customs cargo selectivity and in-bond systems to allow faster release of low risk shipments.

AMS air cargo handling systems speed up the flow of cargo and entry processing. They provide participants with electronic authorization to move cargo prior to arrival. AMS air cargo handling facilities the intermodal movement and delivery of cargo by rail and trucks through the in-bond systems. AMS air cargo handling systems provide solutions for port authorities, service bureaus, freight forwarders and container freight solutions.

AMS air cargo handling systems have numerous benefits. It reduces the reliance on paper documents and speeds up the processing of data. The result of these air cargo handling systems is that cargo remains on the dock for a shorter period of time and participants are privy to faster tracking. The air cargo handling system provides a more efficient service for the importing community.

The system itself handles a number of different air cargo requirements. From imports to freight remaining on board of the transportation, interline transfer and split shipments these systems transmit the relevant information electronically using EDI.

If you’d like to know more about any of our air cargo handling systems, or indeed any of the services that Abs2000 is able to offer then come and visit us online at: Here you will find screenshots of the system itself and more detailed instruction on the benefits of our automated manifest system.

provides Air Cargo Handling. We are the UKs leading supplier where we aim to improve our customers service and products. Visit our website if you’re looking for Cargo Handling Software.

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