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Akoya Pearls

An Akoya Pearl is one which is cultured in salt water in an Akoya Oyster, which is also known as a Pinctada Fucata Martensi. Cultured is a term used to describe the process by which a pearl farmer injects the mollusc with a sample of mantle tissue. The mollusc then creates a sac and sends calcium carbonate to the site which in turn creates the pearl. In doing so the mollusc is actually trying to fight off the infection caused by the foreign body rather than create a pearl and this is what would happen in the same circumstances with an intruder. Cultured Akoya Pearls are typically harvested around Japan, China, Vietnam, South Korea and Australia and have been since the 19th century when it was discovered that pearls could be formed using human interference.


During recent times there has been much controversy over Japanese and Chinese produced Akoya pearls. It is felt by many experts within the gem field that the Japanese are the superior producers of pearls but rising material and factory costs in Japan have left many pearl farmers suffering financially and struggling within the global market. As a result of this many Japanese farming communities have sourced pearls from the Chinese market and shipped them back to Japan where after they have been processed they can then be classified as Japanese Akoya Pearls. This has created much in the way of controversy over the industry and led experts to believe that only 20% of pearls which claim to be cultured in Japan are actually fully Japanese.


An Akoya Pearl is the smallest cultured pearl available and they average at approximately 2 – 11 mm. They are harvested for a period of between 9 and 16 months and it is this early harvesting which ensures their small size. Usually found in either white or cream colours, although sometimes with hues of pink and grey they are famed for being perfectly round and it is this shape which makes them ideal for many uses such as jewellery and clothing or accessory embellishment.

Akoya Pearls

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