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Always Check Your Car Batteries for Corrosion

When you’re busy planning your family vacation and you are relying on your car to get you there then knowing how to check car batteries can be a saving grace if you end up with car trouble. Many people don’t realise that we put our cars through challenges on a daily basis and with our wet weather, it’s not surprise our car batteries corrode, get dirty or even the cables start to wear.

You do know the minute you purchase a car that it’s going to be put through the general wear and tear from the tyres and interior to the body work and engine. While car batteries are designed to be long lasting, they do suffer from the pressure we put onto them each day.

Always Check Your Battery

Take the time before a long trip to check the battery, be on the lookout for rest, broken or fraying cables or even dirt. The dirt is easy and can be cleaned off with a brush, but be sure you have disconnected the battery before attempting to do any work.

Now some of you may be like me, I tend to have a really bad habit of not closing car doors properly, this normally isn’t a problem if it’s only a couple of hours, but when you only drive once or twice a week, you can imagine what happens when I get to my car, it’s dead. Now calling in the recovery vehicle is always my solution, but over time the battery decides that I’ve put it through enough and it’s time to go search for new car batteries.

Affordable Batteries

Luckily car batteries are constantly charged by the alternator, but this is only when the car is running, so for people like me who tends to really put my battery to the test, it’s good to know that batteries are affordable.

You will know if your battery is flat, your car will not want to turn over when you try start it, if the battery is very flat it will actually just make a sad clicking sound or maybe in some cases it will do absolutely nothing. Try jump starting the car before presuming that there is something a lot worse than it actually is, often you can fix it quickly and affordably.

Car batteries

are affordable and come in a variety of sizes, you can find out what battery your car needs from your owner’s manual, it’s important to check this before buying.

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