Ayurprastha is a professional retailer of Ayurvedic treatment and Ayurvedic products to promote a healthy body and healthy mind.
So, what exactly is Ayurvedic treatment?
Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent and practiced in other parts of the world as an alternative form of medicine. Throughout its history Ayurvedic treatment has evolved and remains today an influential system of medicine in Asia. Ayurvedic treatment is a science of living and provided us the art of living a healthy balanced life.
Ayurvedic treatment is not only a science of life but, a healing power to mankind. Ayurvedic treatment was originally part of Vedic science and incorporates herbal medicine, deities, body work, sprituality and psychology. Ayurvedic medicine is part of a new movement of global medicine that incorporates all the best developments of medicines from across the land. Indeed Ayurvedic treatment is probably the best synthesis for these global medicines.
It must be emphasised that Ayurvedic treatment is not confined to medicine only. The emphasis is on the maintenance of positive health, or Swastha Virtha, which is a distinguishing feature of this treatment. In order to maintain positive health Ayurvedic treatment prescribes the specific day routine of Dinacharya as well as a seasonal routine of Ritucharya. In both of these treatment techniques a great emphasis is placed on diet and physical activities. An appropriate amount of exercise and sleep is paramount to maintaining a healthy body, mind and spirit.
This treatment also involves the suppression of harmful negative emotions like greed, fear, anger, jealously, malice and excessive attachment to anything. The treatment emphasises the importance of mental well-being. Strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values is paramount for maintaining good mental health.
If you’d like to know more about any of the treatment options that we can offer you then come and visit us online at: www.ayurprastha.co.uk. Here you will find all the information that you need to know about out treatment options as well as everything that you’re likely to need to know about Ayurvedic treatments themselves.
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