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Bat surveys

Bat surveys are a vital of checking out the levels of bats in an area and measuring the impact of building activity or the cutting down of trees, and bat surveys can be used to ensure a bat population remains where it should be.

Here at Ecological Surveyor, we use bat surveys to establish whether the animals have a presence in an area, gather information about the behaviour of the bats and their key foraging routes, and to come up with ecological migration and enhancement policy.

All species of bat are protected under a number of pieces of legislation and this is why bat surveys are vital – bat surveys check that bats are not being driven out of their natural habitat by construction work or other issues, and also helps to highlight any issues with breeding or migration.

Many of our customers are from the local government sector and use our bat surveys services to establish bat levels in a local area and ensure the animals are given the legal protection they are entitled to. We work in both the private and public sectors and our team of bat surveys ecologists are highly skilled and passionate about the natural world.

To help out our bat surveys clients, here at Ecological Surveyor we offer a totally free no obligation quote service, so potential customers can check that our bat surveys offer everything they need for the right price.

If you are looking for bat surveys and other animal surveys, we can help. Many people come to us for bat surveys and surveys of the presence and migration of other animals and species, including mice and newt, so get in touch if you require a number of surveys carrying out and want the same team to carry out all of your work.

Our years of experience providing bat surveys have given us the skills and knowledge needed to carry out our bat surveys with respect for the local area and without causing harm to a precious ecological environment.

Get in touch with us today and let our talented team help you with bat surveys.

With bat surveys available from you can gain an ecological consultancy that can help with any property development within Kent, giving you peace of mind.

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