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Bath Repair Kit

Advice for thrifty homeowners: A bath repair kit is the thinking man’s way

These days there are few of us who can afford to waste our money. With the global recession in full swing and the likes of rapidly rising utility bills the vast majority of homeowners are trying to tighten their belts at the moment. Consequently the humble bath repair kit is on the up.

More and more people are turning to the bath repair kit to deal with their old tubs as an alternative to buying a new bath. The expense of new units adds up and few of us can afford the investment in a brand new tub when we are still feeling the pinch of the recession. However accidents happen and bath enamel does get damaged from time to time. This can be anything from scratches to chips and cracks. The common causes for this (and therefore the main reasons for buying a bath repair kit) include damage during installation – which can feel like a real kick in the teeth – as well as heavy metal plugs hitting the surface and loose object falling in the bath.

A bath repair kit helps you undertake the relevant bath enamel repair and restore your tub to its former glory without having to fork out for a brand new unit. You can save hundreds of pounds doing this, which is a saving we could all do with making. The typical bath repair kit consists of a resin and hardener and toner to finish the work as well as a filler substance. Other important equipment includes sandpaper and degreaser to prepare the surface as well as gloves and application sticks.

Where can I find a top notch bath repair kit?

If you are in need of bath enamel repair few solutions beat a bath repair kit. It is the financially viable option and with a little work your tub can be as good as new. With that in mind one company which can supply you with a comprehensive and easy to use kit can be found at Visit the website today.


A bath repair kit has to be as complete and comprehensive as possible if you wish to make sure that all bases are covered. has such a widespread range of options, including bath enamel repair.

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