If you are planning a party or an event you might like to find ways of making some money back on the expense. Selling small items at events is also a really good way of raising money for charity too. One popular way of making money is by going around the crowds and selling small affordable gifts and treats in order to make a profit. A great idea for night time events and parties is to sell glow bracelets.
Simple, Fun and Appealing
Glow bracelets are loved by children and adults alike. Although they are fun to wear and sell at any time the ideal time to sell them is during the darker hours. They are small and affordable and don’t start to glow until you activate them. To activate them you need to gently bend the tube until it clicks which causes a chemical reaction inside the tube. Once activated you should expect around eight hours of glow time, perfect for special events.
Buying in Bulk for Better Profits
If you are buying the glow bracelets to sell at events and parties it is a good idea to buy in bulk to make the best profit. Quality made bracelets will be able to last for two years before being activated so there is no need to worry about them not working even if the event is not coming up in the next few months. Buying in bulk make these affordable items even cheaper and you can charge whatever you want to your guests in order to make a great profit, whether you are looking to bring in more money for you or for a charitable event.
Great Colours Perfect for Boys and Girls
You can find the bracelets in packs of 100 and they come in mixed colours. In a pack you will receive green, pink, orange, yellow and blue colours included. It is also possible to purchase single tubes of colours if you want specific colours, perhaps to match your birthday theme or office logo colours. You can purchase a pack of 100 for less than a tenner so it is very easy to make a very good profit.
Glow bracelets can be found online at very low prices. They are fun, attractive and the perfect way of making a profit.