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Camping Gear

Holiday advice: Essential pieces of camping gear

Camping is one of Britain’s favourite pastimes. Whether you are a dedicated hill walker or just enjoy a holiday where you can really get out in the wilderness (and on a shoestring budget!) it is a pursuit which is both relaxing and rewarding. However proper camping gear is nothing short of a necessity. Even the most meticulously planned trip can be ruined if you do not take the proper kit with you so it is essential to prepare properly and get all the clothing and equipment you need. Here is some camping gear which you cannot do without:

Outdoor gear should be your first consideration. Even a gentle walk can be a nightmare if the weather turns and you are not in possession of the correct apparel. It is essential that you have several layers of kit. The humble fleece is a functional favourite as well as breathable T shirts so you do not get overly sweaty with the exertion of daytime activities. Bags are important so you can carry your camping gear such as waterproof and windproof jackets and a sturdy pair of weatherproof boots is always useful. A rucksack is the weapon of choice for the experienced camper as it is the most practical way of carrying any outdoor gear which you may need.

Perhaps your most imperative piece of camping gear is your tent as you need some form of shelter if you are going camping. Sleeping bags are also vitally important and to ensure you have a comfy night you should also invest in a camping mat. Many people forget the latter but it is an underrated piece of camping gear which can really make a difference to the experience as a whole.

The camping gear you take with you should also include a number of accessories. Gas stoves are particularly useful devices and lights such as torches will save you a lot of bother if you have to get up during the night.

If you are looking for camping gear you should visit The firm stocks a gigantic selection of outdoor gear including tents, torches and many of the other items described above.

Camping Gear

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