Death is never an easy topic to broach. Whether you are thinking of your own inevitability or the impending loss of a loved one, people deal with loss and mourn someone’s passing in different ways. I very recently got speaking to a friend who declared to me that in the event of his death he wished to be put to rest in the most eco-friendly manner possible. This in turn opened a whole new conversation on cardboard coffins; which got me thinking.
Why bury our loved ones in cardboard coffins?
For me personally, I believe the question should be ‘why not bury our loved ones in cardboard coffins?’In such a green-conscious society where we are asked to separate our garbage, to recycle our socks and to walk to get our milk in the morning then it surely it makes perfect sense to ensure our final act is one of future-thinking and example setting. In death as in life, we should protect the future. I personally love the idea of cardboard coffins and apparently I’m not the only one. The demand for eco-friendly cardboard coffins has significantly risen over the last few years.
Cardboard coffins of course enable us to leave the world on a positive and philanthropic note but it is not just the planet we would be taking it easier on. By opting for cardboard coffins we are significantly lightening the financial burden left with our loved ones or just freeing up some of the inheritance for our family to spend on all the things that you had hoped for them.
As much as I love the environmental, financial and ethical benefits of cardboard coffins (which I really, really do) they are not the main reasons as to why I have declared to my family that I wish to be buried in one. When looking them up, I found a cardboard coffins website that can personalize them for you. So whether you want your favourite team’s emblem on your coffin or that classic car that you spent forever restoring, you can be laid to rest in your own unique coffin. offers really competitively priced cardboard coffins and more importantly, personalized cardboard coffins to let you pass from this world in your own unique, environmentally friendly way.
Cardboard coffins
are provided by our company at the best possible price. provides eco coffins – visit our website to see what we offer!