Death is something that will happen to all of us at some time but how we prepare for it is a highly individual process. Some people will arrange their own funerals in total, and will have taken steps to prepay the funeral director. Others will leave specific directions as to how their funeral is to be conducted and the type of coffin they would prefer. Others will not be aware of their imminent death as it may be through a car accident or some similar event so the lifestyle of the deceased will be part of what the relatives are considering in death. Today there is a choice of coffins available from those that are traditional through to the highly personalized. These can be made of wood or can now be made of cardboard which will be of sufficient strength as to ensure no mishaps will occur at the funeral or cremation.
Cardboard coffins
The advancement of technology has allowed for cardboard coffins to be approved for use in burials and cremations in the UK. These can be decorated as the relatives would wish, or may just be prepared to look like a traditional coffin. The coffins have been prepared with basically two classes of people in mind. The cost of these coffins is substantially less than the wooden coffin and thus those who need to be aware of cost can opt for this type of coffin. The second class of people are those who have an environmental outlook on life, and feel that using wood for a coffin would not line up with their views on life. They may have chosen this type of coffin before their death, have stated the desire in their will or, as stated earlier, their relatives may feel that this would have been their preference.
Environmentally suitable
The coffins will be made of biodegradable cardboard and thus will do no damage to the environment. The coffins are as yet only available through designated suppliers but as being ‘green’ awakens the awareness of people on a broader basis the need for cardboard coffins will expand.
With a variety of cardboard coffins available from you can be sure that you can purchase fantastic eco coffins from a professional and high quality company.