If you suffer a dental emergency, knowing what to do can be difficult. When it happens during the week the chances are that your dentist will be open, so the answer is obvious you simply call the surgery and arrange to see your dentist as soon as possible. When your emergency occurs outside of your dental clinics normal hours, what you do depends on the nature of the emergency. In some cases, you can wait a day or so until your dentist opens again. However, in some situations waiting this long is a bad idea.
Why Responding to a Dental Emergency Quickly is Important
Not responding quickly to a dental emergency could result in your unnecessarily losing a tooth. For example if you knock a couple of teeth out of place getting them quickly reset into the gum can mean that these teeth recover rather than dying and having to be taken out. However, the main reason broken teeth need quick attention is to avoid the risk of an infection developing. Once an infection takes hold you can end up losing teeth unnecessarily as well as becoming ill. This is not to mention the fact that you will save yourself an awful lot of pain and suffering.
By avoiding the risk of an infection, you can also safeguard your general health. An infection in your gums can prevent you from eating properly and maintaining a healthy diet. In addition, most oral infections have to be treated using antibiotics. Whilst taking antibiotics is necessary, doing so is not good for your general health. Dealing with antibiotics and infections puts an extra strain on your immune system, kidneys and liver.
Repairing broken teeth sooner rather than later can also save you money. A repair that is carried out quickly can be done with far fewer visits to the surgery being necessary. This saves you time and hassle as well as protecting you from undergoing additional treatment sessions and the potential pain related to the treatment you undergo in each session.
For this reason you should look for a dentist that offers a full dental emergency service as part of their package.
The East Hull Dental Centre offers a dental emergencyservice as well as standard dental services.