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Food traceability software could make your life a lot easier

Does your food company need food traceability software?

As of 2005, all food companies operating within Ireland had to comply with the European Union legislation on food traceability. Put simply, this required food manufacturers to be able to record and produce on request two different pieces of information; firstly where any of their ingredients or produce came from, and secondly where individual batches of any produce or food were sent to. It also required those businesses in the food industry to have a policy and procedure in place should any food be shown to be contaminated and need to be recalled. For most companies, setting up a system such as this was very daunting and took a great deal of time to implement and maintain. However, cumbersome paper based systems can now be a thing of the past. Food traceability software can perform the same duties at the push of a button.


Who can supply food traceability software for your company?

Business Software Solutions was established in the year 2000. They set up with the aim of using innovative software to provide software solutions to specific problems within various manufacturing sectors. As well as web design and systems development, Business Software Solutions also designed their own food traceability software after being approached by several companies in the food manufacturing sector. The result is Stock Trace.


What is Stock Trace food traceability software?

Stock Trace is a food traceability software package that will make compliance with food traceability legislation easy and simple. Designed for use by people that are not computer literate, Stock Trace is intuitive and simple to use, allowing you to track both suppliers and customers with ease. For more information on Stock Trace or other business software packages, visit the Business Software Solutions website at



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