Hardwood Flooring London
As exceptionally high standards of interior design become more commonplace and more of us live in mock show-homes now there are many cheap and fast options to achieving the feel and look of the magazine and televisual ideals we are told to idealise and covet. Whilst a cost effective alternative might look and fit the part on a temporary basis time is the first telling sign that the person opted for a cheaper substitute.
There are few decorative solutions which have such a wide gap between the genuine article and the cheaper option than with hardwood flooring.
What is Hardwood Flooring?
Hardwood Flooring is made from various types of solid woods such as Oak, Ash and Bamboo. Given the environmental implications the woods which are used to produce flooring are typically harvested from sustainable sources in accordance with direction from The Forestry Commission.
Before it is laid the wood can be treated with various oils to both assist in its durability and to provide the correct finish. An example of this is Rustic Solid Oak which has been coated in UV lacquer giving it a strong, smooth finish and a look very similar to traditional lacquer
What is the True Difference?
The first major difference between solid hardwood and laminate is the length of time they are expected to last. Many manufacturers and distributors provide up to 10 years warrantee on their hardwood option with much less than this available on laminate offerings.
The second difference is the appearance of the two. When compared laminate flooring has a very unnatural sheen which is essentially the protective layer and whilst hardwood panels are also treated they do not have the same harsh glare which can immediately giveaway the difference in both price and quality.
The third major difference is the feel of the two woods when walked on. Whilst real hardwood does and will contract and expand with variants in temperature laminate floorings can severely bow under temperature variations and allow air pockets to collect underneath which cause a springy feel when walking and can also cause extreme creaking.
Hardwood flooring London
creates a whole different impression to your home. Mfwflooring.com supply hardwood flooring London at great prices that you don’t want to miss– Visit us today for more information!