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This is an on going weekly article about properly helping restaurant owners pass health inspections. We operate a restaurant deep cleaning service called  you can visit us and we will work with you to help you stay on top of making sure that you always have a passing score with The Health Department.

This week we will highlight a restaurant that is a Seafood Restaurant location. We rarely get calls from seafood restaurant locations, to complete deep clean services, but lets take a look at what the results are.

They were inspected on May 31, 2016. They had 3 violations . All 3 violations were just basic violations. 

1  Covered waste receptacle not provided in women’s bathroom.employee restroom

2  No Heimlich maneuver/choking sign posted.

3  No handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees.employee restroom. **Corrected On-Site**

These were all minimal violations. They did a pretty good job despite it being a seafood location. The smell of Seafood is stronger than most other food types and attracts unwanted critters. So our advice is to always moved restaurant equipment from walls, and remove any fallen food, or grease buildup. Then this service should be completed 1x per week or 1x per quarter depending on the level of buildup.

They were inspected July 19, 2016, with 3 more basic and intermediate violations

  1.  Basic – Employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area. Observed employee hat setting on a prep table in front of the dish machine. **Corrected On-Site**
  2. Basic – Wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry, by the mop sink setting inside the mop bucket. **Corrected On-Site
  3. Interior of reach-in cooler soiled with accumulation of food residue. Observed the four door reach in freezer solider buildup. **Corrected On-Site**

Now these restaurants get 1-2 inspections a year unless they receive complaints, and they pay follow up visits.  A way to avoid being shut down is to have a cleaning service to really clean hard to reach areas. Your restaurant staff can clean the rest to cut cost and save you money, but you must hire a restaurant deep cleaning service to clean the hard to reach areas, because your staff will not clean those areas. They will do he minimal cleaning and you will be at risk of catching violations everytime, and having your personal restaurant information published by the health Department. You also do not want to be shut down for a violation that could’ve been avoided. is a national restaurant cleaning service, and we help restaurant owners stay on top of health inspections, and avoid being shut down from failing scores. You can visit our website and fill out our online form. We will contact you within 2 hrs and setup a walkthrough of your location, and give you a free quote.

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