A mattress is an investment in one’s well being. It’s also a furnishing item that most people keep for extended periods of time. As a matter of fact, an individual can keep their mattress for 10 years. However, the mattress will start to show signs of wear and tear well before then.
The mattress will start to sag in the middle, and they will start to indent on the edges, for example. However, there are methods that people can use to not only extend the lifespan of mattress beds, but to also keep their beds fresh. Here are some tips for how to care for your bed mattress, so that you can enjoy your bed for years to come.
First, it’s important to make sure that you create even pressure on your double beds. The bed will start to indent where people sleep and rest. As such, it’s best to turn your mattress around every now and then. Then means that you should rotate your mattress with your head area becoming your foot area. In this manner, you are creating pressure points on the mattress in alternating areas. No one area of the bed will be pressed down if the mattress is rotated on a regular basis. This will extend the mattress’s ability to provide comfort for the person sleeping in the bed.
Some mattresses are designed so that they don’t have to be flipped, but some people still like to flip their bed mattresses. This also relieves pressure points on the bed. Not only this, but this airs out the mattress a bit. Speaking of airing out your bed mattress, it’s a good idea to slide your mattress off of the bottom frame, and allow it to stand on its side by a window.
This will allow for any trapped hot air or odours to air out of the mattress. This is a very easy and natural method of creating a fresh mattress. If you would like to spray your mattress with a fabric freshener, then this would be an opportunity to do so while you are airing the mattress out on its side. If you want to create an extra layer of firmness for your bed mattress, then place a wooden board underneath the mattress. This will create a firm point so that your mattress won’t flatten out on certain spots as easily. This is a common trick that many people use on their contemporary beds. It works very well in extending the comfort level of beds. Mattresses for beds are an investment that most people have to plan for.
Therefore, it behoves people to make sure that they take steps to protect the comfort and the usability of their bed for as long as possible.
Find out more about double beds and contemporary beds on our website.