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led bulbs

LED bulbs (light emitting diode) have been around for decades, the phenomenon was first spotted as early as 1907 but it wasn’t until 1927 that the first recorded LED was created. We then need to leap forward to the 1960’s before we found the first practical use of LED lamps. When they were first mass produced the until cost was far each LED bulb was far to great for them to be included in everyday items; they were used in technically equipment ($200 per LED lamp made). When the unit cost came down they were used in items such as TV’s radio’s, and watches to name but a few. These first LED lamps weren’t bright enough to use as an alternative light source, they were merely used to confirm that there is power being supplied to the device.

From the 60’s up until recently the only colour spectrums you could get LED bulbs in were red, orange, yellow and blue. It was very hard to get them to be bright enough to use them for lighting purposes; also since the 60’s the power output has double ever 36 months due to technological advances. This has meant that we are seeing brighter and brighter LED bulbs. The use as an LED bulb took an even bigger leap forward with the creation of a white LED bulb. This white LED lamp intensified the brightness of the LED allowing for more usage in the lighting industries.

LED bulbs – The future

Due to all of the points mentioned above, LED light bulbs are becoming the product of choice in items such as torches, illuminated signs, TV’s and even standard lighting. They are rapidly replacing products like halogen and fluorescent. This is due to LED’s being brighter, safer and also fairly reasonable in terms of cost. The military have been using LED torches for quite some time and that is proof enough that they are good for creating light in the most difficult of situations.

If you would like more information on LED products then this can be found by entering the keywords ‘LED bulbs’ into an internet search engine. This will allow you to scroll through all the products that are available on the market.



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