If you have a saltwater aquarium or are thinking of setting one up then you most likely want to introduce live rock and live coral into your aquarium. When setting up a saltwater aquarium you want to aim to make it as close to a natural habitat as possible for the creatures that will be living inside. Live rock is a natural habitat for many sea creatures and is very popular for use in saltwater aquariums. The name live rock often causes confusion for people who are new to aquariums as the rock isn’t actually live but is called live rock because it is made from the calcium carbonate of long dead coral skeletons which form the majority of coral reefs in the world’s oceans. Live rock is an ideal habitat for many different forms of microscopic marine life.
You can purchase many different types of live rock including branching live rock, Fijian, Java, Plating, Totoka and live rock rubble among other types. Most specialist saltwater aquarium retailers will sell a number of different varieties of live rock and will be happy to explain each type and which will be best suited for your aquarium. The main reason that live rock is placed in salt water aquariums is because it acts as a great natural filtration system. The waste products in the aquarium which are produced by the inhabitants, is decomposed by the microbial life present in the live rock. Live rock also provides a great base for live coral to grow on and it provides food for small fish and invertebrates.
Along with live rock you are likely to need some live coral in your salt water aquarium. Live corals are the most important contributors inside a saltwater aquarium. To keep live coral you really need to create a successful aquarium that recreates natural sea water conditions. In the ocean there is a constant source of many vital minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that the live coral needs to survive. In a saltwater aquarium you may need to use aquarium additives to replenish essential mineral and nutrient levels. These will help to provide the right levels of nutrients that corals and invertebrates need for proper growth, physical strength, biological function, and coloration.
Live rock
that we provide is fully cured over a 4-5 week period. Rockncritters.co.uk provides live corals as well as other great products for you to enjoy at a great price– Visit us today for more information!