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Making the most of an Employee Survey

You’d think that above everything else your business will be able to communicate internally with its employee-base. Some businesses are great at this; however, these tend to be smaller business, or family run businesses.

As companies increase in size, then the challenges of engagement with employees multiply. However, with a strategic approach employees can use an employee survey to really reach out, meaningfully, to employees.

To work, then an engagement program needs to be multi-layered, and should incorporate the following steps:
It is important to carefully plan your survey. What do you want to it to achieve, do you want it to address a specific aspect of your business, or do you want it to be comprehensive?

Crucially, you need to know how to deliver the survey effectively. In a larger company this can be difficult, and you need to ensure that your infrastructure is capable of delivering an employee survey in an efficient and fair way.

There is no point in waging a survey unless you are in a position to act on its results. In order to act on its results, then you will need to analyse the data you find in an effective manner. You can use tried and tested data analysis techniques to help you achieve this.

Then, using the data that you have rigorously obtained it is important to develop an action plan, in conjunction with interested parties, designed to attack the key themes that your survey has flagged up.

This process can be described as 360 degree feedback because it can be view as a cyclical approach to gathering the opinions of employees, which, crucially, will always result in action being taken.


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