The Pros and Cons of an Online Booking System
An online booking system is, as the name might suggest part of a website or downloadable content which a business’ or services’ customers can access to book an appointment or place with.
The customer selects their service then their favoured seat, place or appointment time and finally completes all their details and processes any payment. The system then updates itself to ensure that no other customer can take the booking or appointment and it remains the allotted “possession” of the first customer. Some online booking systems will allow the customer to alter or delete this but some businesses do not favour this as a service as it can leave either the system or the customer confused.
Who Might Use Them?
The possibilities for what nature of business might be helped by having an online booking system are endless; along with the slightly obvious sporting event and special event (such as a concert) booking system and theatre seating there is the less thought of such as hairdressers and salons, restaurants and even tradesmen such as plumbers and electricians. Such is the popularity of these systems that many health authorities now have them in place for GP and Specialists as well as clinic appointments.
Online booking systems have a number of advantages for the customer and the business; they add an element of convenience for those people who prefer to organise themselves and get appointments booked outside of usual business hours when they might not usually be able to speak with someone and also meaning that the customer doesn’t have to go through a dreaded automated system, however this can in turn have the disadvantage of the business losing the “personal touch” by not initially speaking with their customer.
They also ensure that the business has a database of customer details which can assist with record keeping, marketing and evaluation of the business for statistical purposes.
Even today when computers are more and more commonplace there are still many people who are either not confident with them or do not trust them with personal details. Many businesses could actually end up alienating customers by adopting an online booking system; especially if it were the only way of making a booking.
provides a Online Booking System. Our system comes with online training and documentation along with an easy to use interface. Visit our site for your Beauty Salon Software.