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Osteopathy is the manual manipulation of the body to ease pain and help the body to heal. It is primarily the manipulation of the spine. As a result, it is mainly used to help heal problems with the neck and spine. However, it can also help to ease pain in other areas of the body.

When the spine becomes misaligned, other areas of the body come under extra strain. This additional strain can cause injury and pain in other areas of the body. When you correct the problem with the spine, you ease the pressure on other areas of the body. This gives those areas the chance to heal.

Who Can Benefit From Osteopathy

Anyone can benefit from osteopathy. It does not matter how old you are or what sex you are. If you have pain in the neck back or shoulders seeking help from an osteopath is a sensible course of action.

It is such a good form of treatment that many GPs and consultants refer their patients to Osteopaths.

Finding a Good Osteopathy Service

The internet is a good place to go to find an osteopath who is local to you. An online search that includes the name of the town you live in should bring you back a comprehensive list of Osteopaths located near you. However, you should not simply visit the one closest to you. Instead, you ought to do a little research to find the best one to treat your particular problem.

It is important to check that the osteopath you are planning to use is properly qualified. Most list their qualifications on their website. It is best to use a GOsC registered Osteopath.

The best osteopathy service providers offer a range of services. If you can find one that offers additional services such as myofascial release, visceral and cranial sacral osteopathy and lymphatic drainage use them. It may be that you do not need these additional services, but if you do they will be able to provide that service without having to refer you to anyone else. This continuity of care can help you to heal more quickly.

Re Centre Health at Muirhead Roberts offers services such as cranial osteopathy as well as physiotherapy London, see out site for all the things we offer.

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