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Protect your construction site with scaffold sheeting

Construction sites should be covered with scaffold sheeting or tarpaulin covers. The scaffold sheeting prevents debris and loose articles from falling which could cause injury or damage to other buildings or people passing by. The scaffolding sheeting also protects internal structures, equipment, electrical wiring and other construction materials from the natural elements. You wouldn’t want any of your property destroyed from the rain, wind or snow. Any damage can set your construction project back and delay the completion which could end up costing you time and money.


Scaffold sheeting are strong enough to shield against extreme weather. They create a safe and enclosed working area for construction workers. Where they are able to continue working even if there are strong winds or heavy rainfall outside. The scaffold sheeting act as external walls, windows and roofs that may not be fitted yet. This reduces the risk of working at height accidents or injuries.


When used for containment, the scaffold sheeting prevents debris or demolition waste from leaving the site. This is particularly useful for procedures where it will leave a significant amount of surplus or hazardous waste such as shot blasting or drilling.


They are already a cost effective way to safeguard your project however to keep your costs down even further, scaffold sheeting can be bought in bulk quantities. Scaffold sheeting should cover the whole construction area regardless of the size. It is therefore very likely you’ll need hundreds, if not thousands of metres at a time.


To securely fasten scaffold sheeting to the outside of your building structure, there are flexible binder straps designed to fix the covers to fence or scaffold tubes. These will ensure the scaffold sheeting do not detach itself from the structure leaving the building exposed to the elements. Loose scaffold sheeting can put the public at risk if they are not securely fastened. Sheets can be hundreds of metres long so can be a hazard to drivers or passengers if they’re blown on to the street below.



scaffold sheeting by Visit their website today if you’re looking for tarpaulin covers.

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