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Realise your full potential and bring your ideas to fruition with Innovation Stream Product Design Consultancy UK.

Innovative Stream is a premiere and highly respected product design consultancy UK based in Sussex together they form a team of some of the country’s most innovative and forward thinking professionals. As a product development company they have the ability to bring your innovations even from initial idea stage to fruition and with them pushing the realms of possibility nothing is impossible. So whether it is a lifelong idea that has been stored away for many years or if you require a solution to a specific problem one which will help with productivity and, or reduce costs the best and most influential p[lace to visit is Innovation Stream product design consultancy UK.

When Innovative Stream started their product development company it was largely specific to the development of effective design of essential components which were used mainly within the automotive and industrial industry. Since 1984 their product design consultancy UK has grown at an unprecedented rate and to satisfy the demands of our customers we expanded and with an increase in our specialist team our product development company which is now located in the Innovation Centre, Sussex University Campus can consult help with brain storming and the development of initial idea, create fantastic design options, carry out the development of the prototype with the best technological equipment on the market and finally they can manufacture practically anything in house, bringing the vision you have had for practically any product to fruition. Along with the teams’ academic and professional qualifications the reason Innovation Streams’ product design consultancy UK is so highly regarded is through their genuine enthusiasm that all important ability to think outside of the box in order to get the job done.

Whether you are a start-up company working on new and cost effective products, or a large multi-national concern looking for development Innovation Stream offer above and beyond any other Product Development Company.



Product Design Consultancy UK at We offer quality product development, from the initial concept through to the engineering and final production. Visit us today if you are looking for a Product Development Company .

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