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Security X Ray Machines

The X ray was discovered largely by accident in 1895 when German Physicist Willhelm Roentgen noticed a strange reaction during experiments with electron magnets and electromagnetic radiation. Whilst the reaction, a glowing around a florescent screen wasn’t particularly unusual in itself the fact that the tube which was being experimented upon and was surrounded by thick black card and it had been assumed that this would have blocked out the rays was a significant discovery. It led, quickly to the principle being adopted for use in the medical field to observe broken and damaged bones and foreign bodies.

Increasing threats to security, both national and international and the various attempts by terrorist organisations to cause destruction have led to the need for tightened security in airports, courts and other government buildings. An X-Ray machine is a way to cater to this need without the requirement of security staff physically examining every single entrant. In any setting the right size and power of x ray machine can be used to either scan human entrants or passengers in an airport setting or baggage and carried goods.

In the case of full body scanners the person in question is usually asked to remove their shoes and all metallic objects and items of jewellery and then simply walks through a doorway which picks up any unusual activity.

When luggage or carried goods are involved the goods are usually placed onto a plastic tray and placed on a conveyor system to pass through the x-ray machine which then gives an indication of whether the item is both safe and fit to pass through or required additional investigation.

Although the system of x-raying inanimate objects for security reasons has been in use for many years the practice of scanning human visitors is relatively new and is a response to the increased threat to our safety. It was first introduced as a requirement for air travellers in 2010 following successful trials and in the run up to the introduction in UK airports it was heavily demonstrated against as a breach of human rights and an invasion of privacy. This was countered by arguments that the safety of the masses outweighed the alleged infringements of the few.

is a leading UK manufacturer and seller ofSecurity X Ray Machines. Our machines are some of the most capable and efficient in detecting items within or on a person’s body; Visit our website today for Metal Detection Archways!

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