Alternative treatments explained: Tapping therapy
More and more people are being converted to the virtues of tapping therapy. As with many kinds of alternative therapy the treatment has been met by a certain degree of scepticism from some quarters but many have extolled its virtues. Here is some important information about tapping therapy if you are not familiar and are intrigued by its potential efficacy.
Arguably it would not be an exaggeration to say that tapping therapy has taken the world by storm. It has received glowing endorsements from the likes of Michael Ball and Lily Allen in recent years so it is no wonder it is gathering in popularity due to a number of perceived benefits. The former cited tapping therapy as an excellent form of stress relief and the later attributed her weight loss. Various sportsmen swear by it to so there is no shortage of proponents.
Tapping therapy is believed to cure a range of physical as well as mental problems and has been touted on many online therapy forums as a miracle treatment. It works by tapping the body’s invisible energy pathways and draws from ancient techniques used in the Eastern world based on ‘meridian energy’ theories – the belief that the body is wrapped in several interconnecting highways which can be interrupted by the complexities of life. If these are accessed by means such as tapping therapy and acupuncture then a variety of mind and body ailments can be cured. In practical terms the treatment entails a person physically tapping one of the nine meridians (main acupuncture points) on the body while reciting words.
Although it is routed in techniques from around 1000BC tapping therapy as we know it is a recent innovation and has only burgeoned in the last 20 years. The meridian points include the crown of the head, the chin, the area immediately beneath the nose and around the eyes. Tapping therapy advocates believe it can relieve traumatic memories, sooth anxiety and depression and free you emotionally.
If you are intrigued you should find a reputable firm offering helpful, effective tapping therapy which has a track record of getting results. One company which does just that is online therapy provider
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