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The Different Types of Wheelie Bins

Wheelie bins are containers which are used to store garbage. They have a set of wheels attached onto the bottom of the bin so that they can be easily transported to an area ready for waste collection. There are several different types of wheelie bins available in the market. This article takes a look at some of the most popular types of wheelie bins, and it also explains where you can purchase them from.


Home Wheelie Bins


At home wheelie bins are the most common type of wheelie bin. A large majority of households in the Western World will have access to a wheelie bin so that they can effectively dispose of their trash. These bins will vary in colour depending on what type of trash they contain. Your local council will set the laws and regulations as to what each bin should contain, as well as the collection dates and times. Check your local council’s website for more information.


Miniature Wheelie Bins


Miniature wheelie bins are the same as home use wheelie bins except they are smaller in size. They are often used in conjunction with the normal size bins. Miniature bins are typically used to house food products, which can be recycled and used as compost.


Commercial Wheelie Bins


Commercial bins, also known in the UK as Grundon bins, are large bins that can hold much more waste produce. Commercial bins are used by restaurants, shopping malls, schools and offices around the world.


Hazardous Wheelie Bins


Hazardous wheelie bins are designed to hold waste which needs to be disposed of carefully. This can include broken glass, needles and medication.


Where to Purchase Wheelie Bins


There are specialist online retailers that stock all different types of wheelie bins. You can find these retailers by using your search engine to search online for their website. All major retailers will have a website where you can view images and details on all of their wheelie bins.


Some local councils will also provide wheelie bins to the homeowner at no cost. If your wheelie bin has been stolen, or if it is damaged then you may be eligible to receive a free replacement bin. To do this simply contact your local council authority and explain your problem.



wheelie bins by Visit their website today if you’re looking for wheelie bin.

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