Many men dread the thought of going bald and when this starts to happen lots will look at all the possible solutions for hair replacement so they never need feel embarrassed about losing their hair. It is not just men that lose their hair, women can also lose their hair in older age and some medical conditions can also result in partial or complete baldness. Once hair falls out due to baldness it will not regrow and this is when many people will consider hair replacement options. One of the most common methods for hair replacement is a wig or hair extensions to add to the hair that is left. Many men and women will hate the thought of wearing and wig and feel very embarrassed if people ever knew they wore a wig. In recent years a new form of hair replacement has proven very successful and this is hair transplant surgery.
Hair transplant surgery is like a miracle solution to baldness and can give people back their lost hair along with their confidence and self-esteem. Lots of famous people have recently taken the decision to have a hair transplant and the results speak for themselves. Hair replacement using hair transplant surgery offers the most natural look and results as it uses real hair that is transplanted piece by piece into a person’s scalp. Once the hair transplant has taken place the real hair will grow just like normal hair would and the person will have hair just like they had before they went bald. Hair is taken from the back of the neck usually or behind the ears where hair is thick to create new hair for the hair replacement procedure.
A hair transplant is not a quick fix and it can take a number of sessions to transplant all the hair and then many months for the hair to grow and blend with the rest of the hair. People who are looking for less permanent solutions could try wigs for effective hair replacement. There are many new hair replacement wigs on the market and they have dramatically improved overtime to look very natural so people would really struggle to tell a person was wearing a wig.
Hair Replacement from We are the best and leading UK hair replacement centre, look no further. Visit today if you are looking for Hair Transplant.