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The most essential cycling clothing

If you’re planning on heading out on your bike for the first time in a long time, it’s important that the right cycling clothing is in place. Cycling is an exceptional activity for people who are hoping to get fit, and enables them to get into shape without necessarily engaging in overly-painful physical exertion. However, a cycle alone is not enough, and in order to enjoy the hobby safely and prosperously you’ll need to ensure that you’re kitted out correctly. One of the most essential cycling clothing items you’ll need to get hold of before you start riding is a cycling helmet. Most falls from cycles involve the head being hit in some way, but a well-padded cycling helmet should protect you from severe injury if this does happen. Shop around to acquire a helmet that fits perfectly and suits your personal cycle clothing tastes.

Stay safe wherever you ride

You’ll need gloves in cold weather, but may find that they provide extra comfort all year round, reducing the impact on vibrations on the hands and arms and therefore allowing you to cycle for longer without being in pain. Often, heading out on your cycle after a long hiatus can lead to a fulfilling hobby being undertaken, and you may find that your cycling journeys become longer and longer. The comfort provided by gloves makes this easier. Padding is also essential in terms of cycling clothing, and is used to protect the knees and the elbows in the event of a fall. The more cycling become a hobby, the more likely you are to try your skills out on tougher and more testing surfaces. Padding will ensure that you can face these areas whilst greatly reducing the chances of injuries occurring.

Cycle through various terrains

Cycling shorts also allow for greater flexibility and comfort, making them yet another essential item when it comes to cycling clothing. In terms of footwear, you’re always likely to benefit from choosing cycling shoes specially designed for the activity. These will make pedaling easier and those tough terrains simpler to cycle through. It’s possible to buy cycling clothing cheaply from various online sources or high street shops without compromising on quality.



At you’ll find quality cycling clothing at the most competitive prices around. Hint: the clearance section of cheap cycle clothing is a great place to pick up some cycling bargains!

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