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The Vanity Case

Vanity cases are used primarily to store make up, beauty products and beauty gadgets. They are primarily used by beauticians and professional make-up artists.

However, many women also have them in their home. They are great for organising a range of small items, so you will even find them in some home garages being used to store small gadgets and tools. They are also extremely popular with hobbyists, such as model makers.

Who Invented the Vanity Case?

Exactly who first came up with the idea of a case to carry makeup around in is a matter of some dispute. It is thought, by some, that it has its origins in the production of a makeup item called ‘a compact’.

Compacts were a clever item that was designed to carry powdered foundation, the puff to apply it and a mirror, so you could use it to see where to apply the powder. It meant that you could effectively carry around all three of the components you needed to apply foundation in a small round case with the pop-up, but lockable lid. Over time, the foundation powder and mirror combined with eye shadows, blusher, and the equipment you needed to apply them as well. This case became known as vanity case. It contained all of your make-up components a modern woman needed in one small case. They were extremely small-scale; however, you could argue that they were indeed the first vanity cases, albeit small ones.

In reality, the modern vanity case was almost certainly invented by beauticians or Hollywood make-up artists. If it was not them, it was mobile beauticians. They needed them as a way of carrying all their equipment around with them. However, the best bet is that make-up artists who the ones that actually came up with the modern vanity cases.

Modern Vanity Cases


Today, vanity cases come in all shapes and sizes. The vast majority of them are lockable meaning that they are a secure way of carrying often costly and valuable beauty products. Modern cases are highly adaptable, so are suitable for all kinds of users. Some even have wheels and a drag handle.


If you want a vanity case visit the Roo Beauty website. They sell a wide range that is designed for professional beauticians and hairdressers.

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