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Understanding Alcohol Detox

For sufferers of alcohol dependency, a detox can help them beat their addiction permanently. Alcohol detoxification occurs when a dependent person suddenly stops drinking alcohol completely. Withdrawal symptoms are common, depending on the sufferer’s age, medical history and level of dependency. However, when combined with the correctly level of care and an appropriate treatment programme, it can be an extremely effective method of treating alcoholism.

Accept Change

Before an alcoholic embarks on an alcohol detox programme, they first need to accept that they have a problem and need to change. Dependents that undergo alcohol rehab against their will generally do not succeed and many relapse. Once an alcoholic accepts their addiction, they will be more willing to change, no matter how difficult the treatment is.

Understand the Detox Process

Recovering alcoholics are generally more accepting of the alcohol detox process if they have an understanding of it. The brain naturally produces a neurotransmitter inhibitor called GABA. GABA contributes to motor control and vision, among other things. During alcohol consumption, GABA is reduced. The alcohol, also a neurotransmitter inhibitor, replaces the missing GABA. When alcohol consumption abruptly stops, the brain no longer has a neurotransmitter inhibitor. This is what causes withdrawal symptoms during the detoxification process.

Accept Withdrawal Symptoms May Occur

Depending on the severity of a patient’s alcoholism, they may experience withdrawal symptoms during alcohol detox. These symptoms can include shaking, seizures and hallucinations. In severe cases, they can be life threatening. Generally, withdrawal symptoms last for between five and seven days, with the most severe symptoms occurring on the first three days. Sometimes, patients are given medication to counteract the effects of alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

After Detoxification

Even after completing an alcohol detox, there’s no guarantee that an alcoholic will not relapse. Because of this, they are often given medication to supress alcohol cravings. They may also have to seek further treatment for the psychological reasons for their alcoholism.

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