Many a clever person has said that your health is your wealth, and this is not only true in the physical sense but also your mental health. In today’s fast paced world full of demands, deadlines and hassle people are not taking time for themselves to relax, unwind and de-stress, and as such an unbelievably high percentage of people are not coping with stress and need help with anxiety. Stress in a feeling of not being able to cope and long term exposure can lead to serious health issues, increased blood pressure which in itself can lead to heart attacks or strokes, it also speeds up the aging process dramatically.
At The Hoffman Foundation which was founded in America in 1967, we are pioneers in creating ways to help with anxiety and coping with stress. Through thorough research and continuous development we have devised a fantastic 7 day intensive residential course which is designed specifically to help in those areas. The ethos of The Hoffman process is to discover and then eliminate negative behaviour and to rediscover your natural self confidence and self esteem.
We achieve our fantastic results thru spiritual, emotional and physical teachings by our high experienced Hoffman teachers who are fully committed and passionate about their work. Our retreats are specifically chosen due to their tranquil locations in the UK and Ireland situated calmly away from the hustle and bustle of daily life where you can really feel the benefits of the teachings. We keep our groups small for optimum results and privacy and confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us.
We really understand how difficult life can be when you are coping with stress, so make that call today and get that help with anxiety.
If you need help coping with stress then we have all you could possibly need at We offer help with anxiety which is proven to really work and our client care is second to none. Perfect!