Weight loss surgery is a big step, but for some people who are very overweight it is the right answer. The risks to your health of being overweight are very serious. An increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, fatty liver disease and many other serious diseases are just a few of the side effects of being severely overweight.
Types of Weight Loss Surgery
There are several types of weight loss surgery, but they all involve reducing the stomach’s capacity. This makes it difficult to overeat. As a result sticking to a diet becomes possible for people who have not been able to do so, in the past. With bariatric surgery, people who have tried diet and exercise in the past, but have failed to lose weight, are usually successful.
The main types are gastric band, sleeve and bypass surgery. However, there are other types such as laparoscopic duodenal switch surgery. Some forms of weight loss surgery, such as the gastric bypass, reduce the number of calories that your body is able to absorb as well as reducing stomach capacity, which can accelerate weight loss.
Is Weight Loss Surgery For You?
To many people surgery seems like a drastic step, and in a way they are right. Weight loss surgery is not something that should be rushed into. However, it is not something that should be automatically dismissed as too drastic a step either.
You have to bear in mind that the health risks of staying very overweight are significant. Carrying too much weight around puts a tremendous strain on your body. Every organ in your body is restricted making it difficult for your body to operate properly. In time, your organs and body’s systems begin to breakdown. Severely obese people suffer from far higher levels of heart disease, non-alcohol related fatty liver syndrome, type 2 diabetes and joint diseases.
For anyone with a BMI of over 35 that has failed to lose weight using other methods, or those with BMI over 30 with weight related health problems; weight loss surgery is likely to be a very compelling solution.
Bodycraft is one of London’s leading providers of weight loss surgery, including gastric band and bypass, with top bariatric surgeons, private hospitals and an expert support team to help patients succeed in losing weight.