A surprising number of people suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, which have a huge impact on their health and their lives. These disorders include diseases like Crohn’s disease (IBD), colitis, celiac, whipple’s, Milroy disease, tropical sprue, steatorrhea and many others. 10% of the population will suffer from form of gastrointestinal problem, however most of these conditions will be short lived or will be in the form of ulcers.
Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders
Those people who suffer from ongoing or prolonged stomach or intestinal diseases have great difficulty in eating or digesting food. This makes it very difficult to eat a healthy diet. Certain foods can irritate the condition; so many people have to stick to a very restrictive diet. Even the food they can eat may not be fully digested, so it can be very hard to maintain the right levels of vitamins and minerals simply by eating normal amounts of food.
For them it is extremely important to work with their doctor and consultants to stay healthy. If they cannot maintain the necessary level of vitamins and minerals, medical nutrition products are sometimes needed.
There are products on the market that contain high levels of certain nutrients. These products are made to be easy to take and easy to digest.
Because many people who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases cannot eat certain foods, the manufactures of these medical food supplements have to be creative. Many of the patients that can be helped by their products are unable to consume dairy products. For this reason, they avoid using dairy and other common foods people are intolerant of in their products.
Getting the Right Advice
Anyone who is suffering from gastrointestinal disease will be desperate if his or her condition is chronic. It can be tempting to try anything, but this approach is not wise. The balance in their bodies is quite delicate. Taking a supplement containing high concentrations of the wrong kind of vitamins and minerals could have an adverse rather than a positive effect on their health. It makes sense to research a chronic condition, but treating it should be done in conjunction with medical professionals.
To find out more about medical nutrition visit the Nutricia website. We sell a range of scientifically developed nutrition products.