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What does a crash Barrier do?

Ever wondered what life was like before the crash Barrier was invented? Bet it was carnage for cars back in the early days of motoring before crash Barrier technology was available. Today a crash Barrier, or an Armco barrier as it is more commonly known, is a popular sight on the roads of the UK. You see barriers of this nature down the central reservation on motorways and they are found on flyovers and the sides of roads as well. The idea of a crash Barrier is simple. It’s designed as a safety feature that prevents vehicles from careering into the path of oncoming traffic or other non-moving objects

A crash Barrier performs in a number of ways. Place one down the median on a motorway and it prevents traffic from breaching the central reservation and becoming involved in a head-on crash. You can install a crash Barrier on the side of a bridge and it stops vehicles from tumbling over the edge if they become involved in an accident. Plus you can place a crash Barrier at the side of the road to prevent them from crashing into bridge bases or veering down embankments in a crisis situation. Ideally the aim of the Armco barrier is to deflect traffic whilst minimising damage and helping to save lives.

It’s quite common to see an Armco barrier at motoring racing circuits. Crash protection is vital at this type of event due the types of dangers involved. In this instance a crash Barrier is designed to keep cars on a racing circuit after a collision. It protects the drivers and the people that are watching the race in the stands as well.

Another place you might find a crash Barrier is at a work zone. Companies fit barriers to protect buildings and fuel tanks or any object that might be vulnerable. They are normally made from corrugated steel beams that offer a certain amount of flexibility when struck to minimise the force of the impact. You can bolt the barriers direct to a floor and they’ll provide hardy protection wherever they are called upon.

Putting it simply, crash barriers are designed to preserve life and property. Find out more at



crash Barrier by We provide crash protection barrier across the UK to a wide variety of clients. Visit their website today if you’re looking for Armco barrier.

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